
Will I require a c-section?

Can I take Acriptega while pregnant?

My partner is HIV negative.

Can I breastfeed if diagnosed in pregnancy? I am in South Africa…

I’ve stopped taking ARVs during pregnancy.

I gave birth early. Is my baby at risk?

Can I have an HIV negative baby?

I’m HIV positive. I’ve just found out i’m pregnant.

Is Aluvia and Combozil safe in pregnancy?

Starting ARV’s midway through pregnancy.

Is Reydin safe to use while pregnant?

Is it safe to take Luvigen when pregnant?

Is there a risk of transmission mix feeding my 10-month-old baby?

I missed a dose of my meds, will I be OK?

Can I have a negative baby?

I’m pregnant and just been diagnosed, will my baby be OK?

I used ARVs (ART) in late pregnancy and my baby is negative

Taking a double-dose of ART when pregnant plus other sores…

Can an HIV positive man have a baby that is negative?

Will my baby be safe if I am on ART?

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