Q and A

HIV transmission

Could my HIV positive test result be caused by EBV infection?

How did I get HIV?

When will I start to go yellow on atazanavir?

Can I have a child naturally?

Is there a test I can do to show when I was infected with HIV?

Different genotypes – did we infect each other?

Can I have a ‘normal’ relationship with someone who is positive?

If my partner has an undetectable viral load can I get HIV?

My husband is undetectable, can he still infect me?

My viral load is quite low, could it be that I am not really infected?

Can my friend get HIV from a drunken fumble without penetration?

My ex is negative, could I have got HIV from him?

Can I have a negative baby?

How often should my partner have a HIV test?

I am HIV positive, can I still have children?

My boyfriend tested positive, why do I keep testing negative?

I am recently infected should I get a STARHS test?

Will my CMV test delay any HIV antibodies and is this why my HIV tests are negative?

My boyfriend tested positive but what is the 'confirmatory test' they say he now needs?

Is there a test to find out when my boyfriend became positive?

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