A selection of resources.
- i-Base advocacy courses
- Advocacy organisations
- ART in pictures: HIV treatment explained (April 2022)
- CHANGE: Community Health & HIV advocates navigating global emergencies
- Community publications
- Course materials – introduction course
- Current UK studies (selected)
- Databases for HIV collaboration (DHICE project)
- History and timeline
- HIV and COVID-19: new publication
- HIV and drug resistance: online training guide (2014)
- Modern ART and pregnancy
- Modern ART for Africa…
- Online resources
- PARTNER and PARTNER 2 studies
- HIV pipeline report 2021: new drugs in development
- PIVOT study: protease inhibitor monotherapy
- PrEP on Channel 4 news: community activists on need for PrEP in UK now…
- Research and clinical studies
- Sample workshop course structure
- Science support resources
- Slide sets from talks and workshops
- START study – important benefits even for people with a high CD4 count
- START trial if you are a long-term slow progressor
- START trial if you were recently diagnosed
- Treatment training for activists – January 2021
- U=U: Undetectable = Untransmittable
- Questions about U=U: what, when, who, why….?
- U=U resources for UK clinics
- U=U (arabic)
- U=U (French)
- U=U (German)
- U=U (Mandarin)
- U=U (Polish)
- U=U (Portuguese)
- U=U (Romanian)
- Н=Н (U=U Russian)
- I=I (U=U Spanish)
- U=U (Turkish B=B)
- UK Community Advisory Board (CAB)
- UK seroconverters study
- World CAB: meetings and reports
- HIV pipeline report 2018: new drugs in development
- CD4 and viral load chart
- CD4 count and equivalent CD4% for babies and children
- HIVTRI medical training partner
- Log value conversion table
- Meeting: Clinical presentation and management of side effects in HIV therapy
- Meeting: Facial lipoatrophy, polylactic acid (New Fill) and access to treatment in the UK
- Meeting: Paediatric TDM
- Workshops
- Workshops – who we have worked with
HIV positive people
- A short video about Fibroscan
- Adherence support chart and side effects diary
- Pocket ART – HIV treatment
- Course materials – introduction course
- Current UK studies (selected)
- Finding a clinic in the UK
- Pocket HIV and hepatitis C guide
- HIV treatment guides
- Hydrochloroquine study (HCQ)
- If you have just found out you are HIV positive…
- Modern ART and pregnancy
- Modern ART for Africa…
- Online community
- PARTNER and PARTNER 2 studies
- PIVOT study: protease inhibitor monotherapy
- Pocket pregnancy and HIV
- Pocket PrEP: UK guide
- PrEP for women
- PrEP on Channel 4 news: community activists on need for PrEP in UK now…
- Your HIV questions answered
- Report a side effect
- Research and clinical studies
- Science support resources
- Side effects
- START study – important benefits even for people with a high CD4 count
- START study
- START trial if you are a long-term slow progressor
- START trial if you were recently diagnosed
- Support groups
- Swine flu and HIV Q&A
- Think you may be positive?
- Thinking of joining a study
- U=U: Undetectable = Untransmittable
- Questions about U=U: what, when, who, why….?
- U=U resources for UK clinics
- U=U (arabic)
- U=U (French)
- U=U (German)
- U=U (Mandarin)
- U=U (Polish)
- U=U (Portuguese)
- U=U (Romanian)
- Н=Н (U=U Russian)
- I=I (U=U Spanish)
- U=U (Turkish B=B)
- UK seroconverters study
- What other tests do I need?
- Who can I talk to?
Pictures and diagrams
- Average CD4 increases by starting CD4 count
- Basic organs of the body
- Do some drugs develop resistance more easily?
- HIV life cycle
- How CD4 and viral load are related
- Resistance, taking drugs on time and missed doses
- Time from viral rebound to clinical symptoms
- Viral blips and viral rebound
- When not on treatment, your immune system works in overdrive
- HIV pipeline report 2018: new drugs in development
- Clinical trials
- Conference calendar
- Databases for HIV collaboration (DHICE project)
- Drug interactions
- Drug resistance
- HIV pipeline reviews (2010 – 2021)
- Online calculators
- Online journals
- HIV pipeline report 2021: new drugs in development
- Professional links
- Treatment guidelines