18th Annual BHIVA Conference, 18-20 April 2012, UK

Half of gay men in London would chose oral PrEP to reduce risk of HIV

Recent infection is common in UK; 30% gay men aged 15-25 infected within a year of diagnosis

One third of HIV positive people at five UK clinics have symptomatic depression: link to adherence and viral suppression – 40% cases are untreated

Hodgkin’s lymphoma: survival normalises to HIV negative rates despite more advanced disease at diagnosis

Promising outcomes from laser ablative treatment of AIN2/3 to prevent anal cancer

KS in the HAART era includes patients with high CD4 and suppressed viral load: importance of KS chemotherapy for some patients in addition to ART

3rd vs 4th generation HIV testing: almost half of UK clinics out of step with national guidelines

Stavudine (d4T) phase-out festival in Delhi

Case reports of complications from ketamine use in two MSM on ritonavir-based combinations

Intranasal and topical corticosteroids and risk of Cushing’s symptoms in HIV patients on ritonavir-based combinations

Outcomes from switches to atazanavir/r in London

Intimate partner violence towards HIV positive women in the UK

13th International workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy, 16-18 April 2012, Barcelona

20% people switch Atripla due to efavirenz side effects: late switches are common

New UK guidelines: Treatment of HIV-1 positive adults with antiretroviral therapy (2012)

Studies on pipeline ARVs

New UK guidelines: Management of HIV infection in pregnant women (2012)

WHO guidelines for testing, counselling and treatment in serodifferent couples (April 2012): ART at CD4 >350 to reduce transmission

NICE guideline on fertility treatment proposes alternatives to sperm washing (2012)

ACT-UP at 25: tax Wall Street, end AIDS

Fosamprenavir paediatric dosing approved in US for ages 4 weeks to <6 years

FDA advisory panel vote 13:1 for approval of Quad

Risk factors associated with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) in HIV positive patients in the US Veterans Association (VA) cohort

FDA approval of generic ARVs: nevirapine and Combivir now off-patent in the US

FDA advisory hearing supports approval of tenofovir/FTC for PrEP

Associations between tenofovir use and renal complications in VA cohort

Washout pharmacokinetics of transplacental raltegravir in neonates

Interactions between malaria drugs and etravirine or darunavir/r

No interaction between antimalarial amodiaquine and nevirapine

Pharmacokinetics of atazanavir/ritonavir plus raltegravir

Atazanavir/ritonavir and voriconazole not to be coadministered

Milk thistle (silymarin) and darunavir/ritonavir

Echinacea and etravirine

Warfarin and ARVs: impact of African American race and ritonavir

19th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), 5-8 March 2012, Seattle

HIV and the brain: longitudinal results from CHARTER and other studies

Systolic blood pressure and risk of myocardial infarction in HIV infection

Risk of non-AIDS defining malignancies and immune suppression

Renal impairment in the D:A:D study

Early data for rilpivirine long acting formulation supports further investigation for PrEP

Hormonal contraception: HIV transmission and progression rates

Darunavir use during pregnancy

Volume 13 Number 5/6 May/June 2012 PDF

Global action over the challenge to India

19th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), 5-8 March 2012

Cure research takes centre stage: proof of concept for activating the latent reservoir

Quad fixed-dose integrase combination: phase 3 studies at week 48

Dolutegravir studies continue to show promise

Tenofovir prodrug: 10 day monotherapy study sets dose at 25 mg for easier coformulation

Paediatric formulations of ARVs: including an exciting new class

Lower malaria risk in children receiving lopinavir/ritonavir-based compared to NNRTI-based ART

High prevalence of d4T-associated lipodystrophy including lipoatrophy in children

Lopinavir/ritonavir monotherapy in children

Stopping treatment after early ART in infants

Supplement: i-Base Introduction to Combination Therapy

Volume 13 Number 3/4 March/April 2012

PrEP: PK modeling of daily TDF/FTC (Truvada) provides close to 100% protection against HIV infection

Risk of HIV reinfection may be similar to risk of initial HIV infection

Case report: homozygous CCR5 delta-32 protection overcome by infection with X4 virus

No association between atazanavir and MI or stroke in D:A:D study

Hepatitis C coinfection studies

Herpes Zoster vaccine safe and effective in HIV positive people

High dose flu vaccine improves antibody responses in HIV positive people

Dolutegravir Expanded Access Programme

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