Conference reports

Birth outcomes with antiretroviral exposure

New WHO guidelines for children (July 2010)

Early treatment for infants is cost-effective

No difference in outcomes for children initiating treatment with a protease inhibitor or an NNRTI nor with viral load switching strategies in PENPACT-1

Tablets more acceptable than syrups in the ARROW trial

Paediatric formulation of TMC 278

Smoking and atazanavir levels

Darunavir/ritonavir and rosuvastatin

Lime juice is not a microbicide: do not try at home

2nd Joint Conference of BHIVA with BASHH, 20–-23 April 2010, Manchester

HAART use among women in UK receiving treatment prior to conception

Duration of ruptured membranes and vertical transmission in the UK

Significant rates of unplanned pregnancies among young women born with HIV

Route of HCV transmission in HIV-positive gay men is unlikely to be from semen

75% HIV-positive children have insufficient levels of Vitamin D

Increase in LGV cases in gay men reported in the UK

High rates of osteopenia and osteoporosis: importance of DEXA monitoring

Summaries of other studies

11th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy, 7-9 April, 2010, Sorrento, Italy

Atazanavir absorption maximised with food

Methadone levels reduced moderately by rilpivirine

Maraviroc 150mg once-daily achieves target concentrations with atazanavir/ritonavir

Raltegravir and unboosted atazanavir

Raltegravir dose adjustment not required for patients on dialysis

Raltegravir and darunavir pharmacokinetics in liver disease

Tenofovir may require closer renal monitoring in older patients

Effect of age on atazanavir, darunavir, raltegravir and etravirine

Proposed approach to measuring TDM for raltegravir

Increased bilirubin levels when atazanavir is dosed twice-daily

17th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) 16-19 February 2010, San Francisco

HIV reinfection cases reported at CROI

Hepatitis studies: IL28B genetics, HCV survival, FibroScan in acute HCV, MSM reinfection and responses to transplantation

Poor bioequivalence with crushed and dissolved tablets

Initial PK, safety and 12 week efficacy of raltegravir chewable tablets in children 6-11 years

PK of efavirenz in children dosed according to WHO weight bands

Virological and immunological responses in infants enrolled in the CHER trial

Darunavir-associated mutations in PI-naive and PI-experienced children in the UK

HIV persistence, raltegravir/maraviroc intensification and immunology

17th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), 16-19 February 2010, San Francisco

Treatment reduces infections by over 90%: a theme that is here to stay

ACTG 5205: atazanavir/ritonavir vs efavirenz in treatment naive patients

Pipeline compounds and new approaches to treatment

Clinical benefits of stopping smoking: CVD and CHD risk returns to that of ‘previous smoker’ in HIV-positive people within three years

HIV increases the risk of lung cancer, independent of smoking status

HIV positive people in the HOPS cohort have 4-fold risk of fracture compared to general population in the US

Vitamin D deficiencies in HIV management

OCTANE 2: nevirapine and lopinavir/r are similar when used with tenofovir and FTC in treatment-naive women

HIV incidence and retesting in pregnancy

Efavirenz use in pregnancy and birth outcomes

Pregnancy outcomes in women using non-AZT HAART in Europe

When should HAART be initiated in pregnancy to achieve an undetectable viral load?

Pregnancy outcomes in infants exposed to maternal antiretrovirals in utero

Maternal TB, HIV and pregnancy

12th European AIDS Society Conference (EACS), 11-14 November 2009, Cologne

Screening for anal cancer recommended for HIV positive men

Once-daily darunavir/r monotherapy is suboptimal as initial regimen in treatment-naive people

Central fat accumulation remains a significant problem in patients starting HAART after 2005 with higher incidence in women compared to men

Alendronate improves bone mineral density in HIV positive people with osteoporosis at 96 weeks

TMC278 did not show teratogenic potential in animal models

Etravirine pregnancy data from five cases: no dose adjustment required

No clinically relevant interactions between TMC278 and oral contraceptives (norethindrone plus ethinylestradiol)

Gender-based differences in patients receiving antiretroviral therapy

Pilot PK study of two generic paediatric formulations of lopinavir/ritonavir vs originator products

Other selected PK and drug interaction summaries from EACS

11th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Co-morbidities in HIV (IWADR) 26-28 October 2009, Philadelphia

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