Janssen vaccine reports efficacy after single injection: FDA decision imminent

Oxford/AZ vaccine might still prevent severe COVID-19 from B.1.351 variant: supports continued used in South Africa

Unprecedented rapid speed of COVID vaccine development

WHO online vaccine tracker

COVID-19 vaccine pricing: a BBC guide

Tocilizimab effectively reduces COVID-19 related deaths and hospitalisation time: additive benefit with dexamethasone

Bamlanivimab (LY-CoV555) prophylaxis prevents COVID-19 in care homes: results of BLAZE-2 study

US FDA specifies high antibody titre for convalescent plasma and to only use in early COVID-19

No benefit from convalescent plasma in UK RECOVERY study: limited results restrict implications for COVID-19

UK variant B.1.1.7 linked to higher risk of death and hospitalisation from COVID-19

NICE issue UK guidelines on long COVID

BHIVA and EACS update HIV as a higher risk for COVID-19: supports priority vaccine (January 2021)

Recent studies on HIV and COVID-19 coinfection

Very low-level HIV viraemia might continue after COVID-19

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine might still overcome UK and SA variants

Novavax phase 3 vaccine study launched in the UK, South Africa, US, Mexico and Puerto Rico

Merck/MSD withdraws two vaccine candidates from further research but continues focus on treatment

Oral colchicine reduces hospitalisation in international randomised phase 3 outpatient study

IL-6 agonists tocilizumab and sarilumab reduces mortality in severe COVID-19: interim results from REMAP-CAP study

Two different dual antibody treatments each reduce SARS-CoV-2 viral load by >0.5 log

IV methylprednisolone pulse treatment for hospitalised severe COVID-19

Monoclonal antibody bamlanivimab is not effective in advanced COVID-19: lack of early signal stops study early

Azithromycin monotherapy shows no benefit for COVID-19: RECOVERY study reports 1493 further deaths

WHO strongly recommended against using hydroxychloroquine or lopinavir/r at any stage of COVID-19

Updated US guidelines for treating COVID-19 (December 2020)

US update guidelines on access to COVID vaccines

Webcasts of two-day US Workshop on Long COVID (PASC) now online

Most people hospitialised with COVID-19 have at least one symptom after 6 months: Wuhan cohort

Recent studies on HIV and COVID-19 coinfection

Early safety and immune responses in older people using the Oxford vaccine: overall results complicated by dosing error

Interim results report 94% efficacy with Moderna/NIH mRNA vaccine: FDA hearing on 17 December

HIV risk from some COVID-19 vaccines might be unlikely due to rarity of vector viruses involved

JAK inhibitor baricitinib in moderate/severe COVID-19 

Hydroxychloroquine fails to prevent COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 transmission when used as PEP

Hydroxychloroquine has no benefit on symptoms at 14 days

WHO SOLIDARITY study published in NEJM

International COVID-19 study launches in Africa but with drugs that have little chance of working (ANTICOV)

Serious complications commonly reported three months after recovery from COVID-19

Adverse pregnancy outcomes among Spanish women hospitalised with COVID-19

COVID-19 antibody testing for HIV positive people in the UK: HIV organisations reverse previous exclusion

HIV positive people at higher risk of worse outcomes from COVID-19 in UK study

Remdesivir given full approval by the US FDA, but on limited data

DSMB stops REGN-COV2 (casirivimab/imdevimab) monoclonal antibody study in people with high-flow oxygen or ventilation: implications for UK RECOVERY study

Monoclonal antibody stopped in ACTIV-3 study: bamlanivimab shows lack of benefit in people hospitalised with COVID-19

Early results report 90% efficacy with from Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine

Convalescent plasma: randomised controlled study finds no benefit in moderate stage COVID-19

No survival benefit from remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/r or interferon-β1a in moderate and severe COVID-19: interim results from the WHO SOLIDARITY study

COVID-19: pathogenesis and treatment 

US study of HIV positive people with COVID-19 reports worse outcomes with comorbidities and having a CD4 <200

Outcomes from COVID-19 in French cohort of 54 HIV positive people on ART

Tocilizumab fails to meet clinical endpoints in randomised COVACTA study: other studies continue

COVID-19 reinfection can occur after varying times and with more severe disease

Transmission from children to family members in US childcare setting

BHIVA update guidance for HIV care during second wave of COVID-19

COVID-19 deaths in children and people <21 years old in the US

IDSA guidelines on serologic testing for SARS-CoV-2

Long COVID: Mild infection and sustained long-term complications

Review paper highlights substandard COVID-19 research in both peer-review journals and pre-review websites

Oxford COVID vaccine enrolling HIV positive people at two London sites

COVID-19 outcomes in HIV positive people in two large US cohorts

HIV associated with worse outcomes from COVID-19 in UK ISARIC and OpenSAFELY databases

European and UK doctors review latest studies on HIV and COVID-19 coinfection

Tocilizumab associated with better outcomes from COVID-19 in US study

Famotidine associated with better outcomes from COVID-19

INSIGHT network to study monoclonal antibodies for COVID-19 including LY-CoV555

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