RCT shows no impact of azithromycin in reducing symptoms of mild COVID-19

Variation in ACE2 levels are not related to outcomes from COVID-19

London HIV study of responses to COVID-19 vaccines and natural infection (SCAPE)

mRNA vaccine fails to produce antibody response in late-stage HIV: low CD4 count and high viral load

Special report on background incidence of adverse events in vaccine studies

Third vaccine dose increases immune response to 68% in French transplant recipients

Third COVID-19 vaccine dose in US cohort of people on immune-suppressing treatment: safety and ethical issues

Plans for universal third vaccine dose for UK adults from September

COVID-19 vaccines increase sperm quality: potential to help uptake

Research approach to rapidly review candidate treatments for COVID-19: nine studies using ACTIV protocol

COVID-19 treatment: tofacitinib, REGN bNAbs, convalescent plasma

COVID-19 timeline: global events from the last 18 months

Virology Education: monthly forums on COVID-19


Selected presentations at BHIVA: COVID-19, PrEP in the UK, community involvement and more…

No differences in outcomes among women with and without HIV with high-risk pregnancies and COVID-19

HIV associated with higher risk of severe COVID-19 in US cohort

MHRA authorises Janssen/J&J COVID-19 vaccination in the UK

Reduced antibody responses to first dose of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in HIV positive people with a lower CD4 count

France routinely recommends third dose of COVID-19 vaccine for some people with reduced immune function

US CDC reports 10,000 breakthrough infections after full vaccination: showing success of vaccine programme

Cases of COVID-19 reported including deaths in care home residents after full-course vaccination

Israeli study reports reduced vaccine efficacy in people with immune suppression until 14 days after the second dose

Novavax reports 43% efficacy against B.1.351 South African variant but negative impact in HIV positive participants

Oxford/AZ vaccine linked to 242 rare bloods clots in the UK: alternative recommended for people younger than 40

COVID-19 vaccine candidate from GSK and Sanofi to move to phase 3 placebo controlled study

Meta-analysis of 18 ivermectin studies

Asymptomatic infection has similar SARS-CoV-2 viral load to mild COVID-19

Missed TB diagnoses during COVID-19 outbreaks despite prolonged respiratory symptoms

Correlation between COVID-19 severity and immune responses after six months

Durable antibody responses 9 months after exposure irrespective of symptoms: broader vaccine coverage still needed to reach herd immunity

BHIVA registry reports HIV is independently linked to worse presentation and outcomes from COVID-19

HIV is linked to higher mortality from COVID-19 compared to HIV negative: 60% of deaths were black ethnicity

Case-control study of HIV positive people hospitalised with COVID-19

US CDC includes HIV as medical criteria for priority to COVID-19 vaccines

Review of research into SARS-CoV-2 and HIV coinfection

Similar immune responses to the Oxford/AZ COVID vaccine reported In HIV positive people with high CD4 counts

Low responses to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in those older than 80 vs <60 years and in recipients of solid organ transplants

Two cases of viral breakthrough infections despite full protection from Pfizer mRNA vaccination

US post-authorisation safety data on Pfizer and Moderna vaccines

EMA review of Oxford/AZ vaccine and rare blood clots reported in the EU

Interim results report 80% efficacy for India’s COVAXIN vaccine

Three new COVID-19 vaccine studies enrolling in the UK

Dexamethasone: final results from RECOVERY study

No impact from anakinra in mild/moderate COVID-19 pneumonia

Bar opening in the US: 100 guests linked to at least 46 cases of COVID-19

Long COVID: studies reporting on long-term follow up on COVID-19

Large sporting event in US linked to 649 cases of COVID-19

Three carefully documented cases of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in a hospital setting despite masks

CROI 2021: New compounds for prevention and treatment of COVID-19

Oral molnupiravir at higher dose reduces SARS-CoV-2 viral load at day five in small phase 2 study

Bamlanivimab prophylaxis reduces hospitalisation and mortality: results from phase 3 BLAZE-2 study

Dual Eli-Lilly mAb bamlanivimab and etesevimab reduces hospitalisation after single infusion: results from BLAZE-1 study

Dual Regeneron mAbs casirivimab with imdevimab reduce transmission: interim results from phase 3 study

BHIVA guidelines on COVID-19 vaccines and people living with HIV: DRAFT online for comment

BHIVA advice on access to COVID-19 vaccines and shielding in the UK

US phase 3 results enable FDA review of the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine

CROI 2021: Urgency of global access to vaccines, the potential of mAbs and the lessons learned from HIV

Janssen/J&J vaccine against COVID-19 is approved in the EU

Baricitinib improves recovery in sub-group of adults hospitalised COVID-19: results from ACTT-2 study

Ivermectin has no impact in treating mild COVID-19 in 400 adults in Columbia

No benefit from BRII and GSK monoclonal antibodies against COVID-19 in ACTIV-3 study

HIV positive people in the UK now elligible for COVID vaccinations – and to become available at HIV clinics

What are the main COVID-19 variants? How can they affect vaccine responses?

Novavax: >90% efficacy in UK but 60% in South Africa, hints of lower effect in HIV positive participants

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