Q and A

Recent questions

Will vaginal sores go away if I start treatment?

I’m on treatment. Will my body be able to handle a cold?

Is PEP 28 days or 30?

Can I have AIDS with an undetectable viral load?

Can I access treatment in the UK as an international student?

Am I having a breakout because of PEP?

Do I need PEP if my partner is on treatment?

Does an operation change viral load?

Can I get the shingles vaccine?

Is injectable ART available in the UK?

Do I need to eat calcium rich foods at a different time to taking treatment?

Should I continue taking septrin if my CD4 count has risen to above 200?

Will my pills still work if I keep them in a weekly box?

Will on-demand PrEP still work?

Is ear congestion a side effect of Triumeq?

How do I treat Kaposi’s sarcoma?

Why is my viral load not undetectable?

Should I have eaten when taking PEP?

Does my wife need more testing after 40 days?

What will happen to my skin if I miss a few days of treatment?

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