Q and A

Recent questions

I have taken calcium supplements with TLD…

Are Atrozia and Heftenam the same thing?

Can I be 5 minutes early with my medication?

Should I tell my partner about my status before we marry?

Will my viral load rebound if I missed a day?

Will PEP work after I finish the course?

I was 3 hours later for my dose of PEP…

What are the different HIV tests?

Will PEP be effective if I don’t take them for 5 days?

Can I hide my status from my partner?

Is my parter at risk if I am on PEP?

Is PEP effective if started 62 hours after exposure?

Is TLE suitable in pregnancy?

Can you use Telatri as HIV prevention?

Is my combination suitable to be used as PEP?

My CD4 count hasn’t recovered as quickly as expected.

Do I need PEP if my partner is on ART?

Should I extend the course of PEP?

Can I work in Malaysia?

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