Q and A

Recent questions

I have a small rash on my feet. Is this caused by PEP?

Can switching treatment cause the flu?

Do I need to restart PEP after an exposure midway through?

Can I take Eviplura alongside Pregnacare?

Apprehensions about switching to Biktarvy…

Will I need to use PrEP for the rest of my life?

What will happen to me if my boyfriend is taking Acriptega and I don’t?

Can my viral load and CD4 count estimate when I became positive?

Will storing PEP in a cold place prevent them working?

I have a rash on my face after 3 months on treatment.

Can traditional medication stop co-trimoxazole working?

Will a 2-drug regimen work as PEP?

I had sex while on PEP. Do I need to extend the course?

When are symptoms of PEP failure expected?

Can I have surgery if I have just started treatment?

What HIV organisations are available in SA?

Can I eat grapefruit or take St Johns Wort with HIV meds?

Can COVID cause false-positive HIV test results?

Can I study in the US if I am HIV positive?

Can tumeric cure HIV?

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