Q and A

Recent questions

Can I routinely take pain meds with oral PrEP?

I am worried I have been reinfected?

Are Emtevir and Tenvir the same meds?

Am I at risk of colds if my CD4 count was only 1?

What if I haven’t talked to my partner about HIV?

Is my boyfriend at risk if I am on PEP?

Do HIV meds work like PrEP to stop me becoming reinfected?

Do supplements interact with oral PrEP?

Am I still at risk of Kaposi’s Sarcoma (KS) on effective ART?

Will changing the time I take PEP be important?

I am 18 and stopped ART and don’t know what to do next?

Is my partner at risk if my viral load blipped to 240?

Can I drink tea and coffee with my meds?

Does PrEP work for all types of gay sex?

I am Muslim – is it okay for me to fast?

Will I be okay if I have symptoms after two weeks on ART?

Are my viral load changes effective when not on ART?

What happens if I have sex without a condom when taking PEP?

How should I treat advanced HIV (CD4 = 68)? I am a doctor.

What can I do about weight gain on ART with dolutegravir

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