Q and A

Complications and coinfections

Are HIV positive people at higher risk for coronavirus and COVID-19?

How long should I take Isoniziad for?

How do you transmit molluscum?

I’m HIV+ and have HEP B, will there be drug interactions?

Will syphilis cause my CD4 to drop?

How do I manage diabetes and put on weight?

How can I hold on to my job and take leave to get to my clinic?

Can my son gain weight again?

Do i need to keep taking Septrin?

Is it ok to take my diabetes and HIV meds together?

Side effects vs symptoms when starting meds with a low CD4?

What are best meds for treating HIV and hepatitis B?

Rheumatoid arthritis and joint pain stops me walking

My CD4 is 955, what’s my life expectancy?

Will I regain my appearance after treatment for KS?

Could I have been infected with Hep C?

Should I have a stem cell transplant for non-Hodgkins lymphoma?

Should I treat hep C if I have coinfection with HIV?

What does an equivocal HCV test mean?

I am HIV positive and suffering from recurrent herpes simplex.

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