Q and A


Is my husband HIV positive or not?

Do I legally have to tell my doctor about my HIV status?

Can my doctor force me to take treatment if I don't want it?

What are the risks of taking an over-dose of ARVs?

I have just started medication and have a lot of questions…..

I am 54, will starting treatment protect my CD4 count?

Do HIV medicines lower your sex drive?

Can I help friends access treatment in Ghana?

How can I make a complaint about my GP disclosing my status?

Can I do body-building if I have HIV?

I have lost my sex drive – what is the cause of this?

How do I educate my negative partner that we can still have sex safely?

Will treatment work? My partner has a CD4 count of 118…

Do people on HIV medication have to give up work?

I am HIV positive, can I get a mortgage or life insurance?

Can I go scuba diving with HIV?

Can someone who is HIV positive use mediclaim?

I am HIV positive – can I still study for a PhD?

I have just found out I am HIV positive, should I go to A and E for blood tests?

What can enhance the quality of life of infected individuals?

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