New music video on results from the START study: “Now we know”

UK PROUD study published as open access article in the Lancet

“We will win or lose the fight against AIDS in next five years”: UNAIDS and Lancet commission report

July/Aug 2015: Volume 16 Number 7/8

8th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2015), 19 – 22 July 2015, Vancouver, Canada

Tribute to Bob Munk: long-time HIV positive US treatment activist and educator

Four reasons IAS 2015 will be a milestone HIV conference: a personal view

Starting HIV treatment at high CD4 counts protects against both AIDS and non-AIDS events: overall and in subgroup analyses of START study

The option for same day antiretroviral therapy on diagnosis: the future model for HIV care

Pipeline ARVs at IAS 2015: doravirine, BMS-955176 and BMS-663068

New directions in the 2015 WHO ART guidelines

Rapid implementation of the 2013 WHO ART guidelines

Large variation across countries in meeting UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets

Low dose boosted atazanavir is non-inferior to standard dose in Thai treatment optimisation study: LASA

HPTN 052: no HIV transmissions on effective ART but only limited data on viral failure and drug resistance

Dispersible tablet formulation of dolutegravir is bioequivalent to the granule formulation

New case of remission in a perinatally infected teenager

IAS 2015: accessing webcasts and abstracts online

IAS Towards an HIV Cure symposium, 18 – 19 July 2015, Vancouver, Canada

Plenary talks at IAS Cure Workshop

Rilpivirine/FTC/TAF becomes the third TAF-based fixed dose combination submitted for US approval

Draft BHIVA treatment guidelines (2015): the most significant changes for a decade

Innate immunity and HIV DNA declines in panobinostat recipients

Comprehensive review of DAA research at EASL

RITA online: feature on bone health

Involving people in services: a guide to why and how

July/August 2015: Volume 16 Number 7/8

HTB supplement: 2015 Pipeline Report


The antiretroviral pipeline 2015

Fit for purpose: antiretroviral treatment optimisation 2015

The Pediatric Antiretroviral Pipeline

Preventive Technologies: Antiretroviral and Vaccine Development

Research Toward a Cure and Immune-Based and Gene Therapies

New Drugs, New Strategies: Conquering Hepatitis C with Direct-Acting Antivirals

The Tuberculosis Treatment Pipeline: Moving Beyond “Making the Most of What We’ve Got”

Momentum in the Pediatric Tuberculosis Treatment Pipeline

The Tuberculosis Diagnostics Pipeline

The Tuberculosis Vaccines Pipeline: A New Path to the Same Destination?

May/June 2015: Volume 16 Number 5/6

May/June 2015: Volume 16 Number 5/6

Remembering Professor Martin Fisher

Early START results recommend ART for all study participants: starting HIV meds when the CD4 count is above 500 reduces AIDS-related events

21st Annual BHIVA Conference, 21-24 April 2015, Brighton

BHIVA pregnancy audit 2013 to 2014

Transmitted drug resistance in HIV positive pregnant women

Primary HIV infection and early use of ART

Rectal STIs and viral load in HIV positive men on and off ART

Impact of age and HIV on use of non-HIV meds: early results on health care use in the POPPY study

Other short reports from BHIVA:

2015 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), 23-26 February 2015, Seattle

Elvitegravir in children and adolescents

PK of ARVs in pregnancy: rilpivirine, etravirine and raltegravir

HIV and cardiovascular disease

5th International Workshop on HIV & Women
, 21-22 February 2015, Seattle, Washington

Pharmacokinetics in pregnancy: darunavir/r and etravirine

Low prolactin and high 20alpha-HSD might contribute to ART-associated progesterone deficits in pregnancy

Pregnancy rates among women using ART and hormonal contraceptives in Kenya

Adolescents at increased risk of vertical transmission and poor pregnancy outcome in South Africa

Gender difference in virological response to ART

Generic dolutegravir submitted to FDA for tentative approval

Lopinavir/ritonavir pellets tentatively approved by the FDA

EMA approves coformulated atazanavir/cobicistat

Dual F/TAF formulation under evaluation by EMA

US guidelines shift to integrase-based combinations for first-line treatment (2015): Atripla relegated due to side effects

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