Volume 13 Number 11/12 November/December 2012 PDF

Volume 13 Number 11/12 November/December 2012

11th International Congress on Drug Therapy in HIV, 11-15 November 2012, Glasgow

Issues that divide expert opinion: when to start, HIV and ageing and the impact of HIV on life expectancy

Dolutegravir: integrase resistance and the impact of the background regimen

Updated results on Quad: 96 week data from phase 3 studies

HIV/HCV coinfection: early glimpses of an interferon-free future and EuroSIDA incidence data

Resistance in infants and children receiving ART in South Africa

63rd Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD), 9-13 November 2012, Boston

Cure rates with pipeline HCV drugs: reports from AASLD

3rd International Workshop on HIV and ageing, 5-6 November 2012, Baltimore

BHIVA Autumn Conference, 6-7 October 2012, London

Darunavir 800 mg tablet approved in the US

FDA approval of generic ARVs

d4T – time to move on

Global Fund provides ART for 4.2 million people: 2012 update

$84 million grant to Zimbabwe to reach universal access in 2012

Mark Dybul to be the next executive director of the Global Fund

Low incidence of liver-related deaths in HIV positive people without HBV and/or HCV co-infection

US NIH to enforce open access to clincal trial results

Rapid drop in mitochondria in fat biopsies within four weeks of d4T use

High dose multivitamin use in advanced HIV has no benefit to CD4 and viral load and may cause liver toxicity

The challenge of adherence during pregnancy and after

ART and adverse birth outcomes in Botswana

UK Standards for HIV Care launched by BHIVA (2012)

Quantifying HIV-1 exposure to illuminate resistance to infection

Immune activation, inflammation and HIV acquisition risk

Hopes raised by HDAC inhibitor, but uncertainties remain

Post-treatment control of HIV replication and prospects for a functional cure

HIV in the United Kingdom: 2012 report

Hepatitis C in the UK: 2012 report

New Frontiers: Inaugural meeting of the British Society for Nanomedicine

Anti-homosexuality laws back in African parliaments

Bad Pharma: How drug companies mislead doctors and harm patients: by Ben Goldacre

52nd International Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), 9-12 September 2012, San Francisco

Study summaries from ICAAC 2012

Antiviral activity in vitro with S/GSK1265744

Efavirenz interaction studies with TB compounds bedaquiline and delamanid

19th IAS World AIDS Conference, 22–25 July 2012, Washington

FDA approval of generic ARVs

HPTN-052: clinical advantages from earlier treatment

Free HIV treatment in the UK for all, irrespective of residency status

UK Standards for HIV Care online for comment (2012)

Hormonal contraception and the risk of HIV acquisition

Robin Hood Tax begins in France

HIV in England to remain as nationally commissioned specialist service

Ritonavir significantly increases exposure to colchicine (gout)

Towards an HIV cure: Early developments reported at IAS, part 2

Novartis case enters Indian Supreme court

US guidelines include Stribild (Quad) as alternative rather than preferred option for treatment naive adults (2012)

Costs for rapid TB test reduced by 40%

Online video interviews between researchers and activists

Ritonavir interaction with quinine is clinically insignificant but may warrant caution

FDA approves Quad in US: price may prohibit UK access

Discord controllers: characterising a new viremic controller phenotype

AIDS 2012: a non-technical review of the 19th IAS Conference

Case report: fluticasone, fluconazole and ritonavir interactions

IAS USA update adult ARV treatment guidelines (2012)

India: Bayer stay order against compulsory licence denied

Increased incidence of ischemic stroke amongst HIV positive cohort

Merck acquires CMX157 and EFdA and starts phase 2 study for new NNRTI

Important advances in TB drug development

Volume 13 Number 9/10 September/October 2012

Jerome Horwitz dies at 93

Volume 13 Number 9/10 September/October 2012 PDF

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