Q and A

CD4 and viral load

How long will it take to be undetecable?

How can I improve my CD4 count?

Starting ARV’s midway through pregnancy.

Why has my CD4 count reduced while i’m on medication?

What does it mean when my CD4 count goes up?

What happens if I miss a week of ARVs?

Does smoking snuff affect viral load?

Can a vaccine boost my CD4 count?

What does Log 10 RNA value mean?

I am undetectable. When can I stop taking Bactrim?

What can cause my CD4 count to go down?

What does 20 ‘copies’ mean?

Could health problems mean my viral load has rebounded?

Will viral load be detectable in genital fluids if it is undetectable in blood?

Can you exercise if you have a CD4 of 200?

Can I use an immune booster or do I need to change treatment?

My CD4 count is 7 – what can I do to improve it?

I’m taking Atenef and having side effects, is it ok to take vitamins?

Will COVID-19 antigen tests show I am HIV positive?

What causes virus to increase although you use ARVs?

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