Q and A


Can Volutrip be used as PEP?

Do doxcycline, Truvada and Tivacay interact?

Can PrEP be used as PEP?

Can I stop PEP early?

I finished PEP. Now I have symptoms?

I have completed my course of PEP. Will it work?

Long term side effects from PEP.

I had a potential exposure part way through my course of PEP.

Can I stop PEP after low risk?

Can I use PrEP as PEP?

Can I test while I am on PEP?

What are the side effects of TLD?

Starting PEP after 72 hours.

Can TLD be used as PEP?

Can I have sex while on PEP?

Can I use lamivduine as PEP?

I missed a dose of PEP.

Seroconversion after PEP?

Is there anything else in addition to PEP I can take?

Why did my child stop nevirapine after 6 weeks?

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