Q and A

South Africa

HIV meds made me sick before but now I am pregnant…

Will changing the time I took meds cause fever and nightmares?

My friend is having big problems after starting ART with a low CD4…

Is my partner at risk if I’ve been on ART for ten years?

Diagnosed 4 days ago and feeling dizzy on meds?

How to I manage meds with shift work?

Will HIV tests be positive if viral load is undetectable?

How much does Odimune cost in South Africa?

I’ve HIV and just had a baby, should I use formula?

Can I start meds and how to tell my partner?

Just started ART: when will feeling dizzy, tired, weak and the moods swings stop?

How long does my baby need HIV treatment for?

What is causing my weight changes?

Can I have a baby with my negative partner? I also smoke.

I started treatment at 6 months of pregnancy, will my baby be positive?

I was early with my meds by an hour, is that OK?

Can I switch between Atroiza and Tribuss?

How can I be positive and my husband negative?

How am I negative and my boyfriend positive?

I’ve restarted treatment and my viral load is high, what will happen?

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