Q and A

South Africa

Are Atenef and Tribuss the same?

My baby is negative at 6 weeks, will she stay negative?

Is my treatment causing my low energy?

What is the difference between Tribuss and Odimune tablets?

I want to start treatment, what are the side effects?

Can ARVs stop my skin becoming lighter?

How can I boost my CD4 count without ARVs?

I am positive and pregnant, should I take HIV medication?

How am I positive but my partner negative?

My CD4 count is 15, what does that mean?

I’m on Rizene treatment, does this mean I am positive?

Will formula milk put my baby at risk?

How will treatment change my body?

My partner is positive, can I get pregnant?

I’ve recently become positive and have questions..

Will my family accept me if I start treatment?

I am not on ARVs but gaining weight, what does this mean?

I’m HIV positive and having difficulty conceiving, please help.

What happens if I stop taking treatment?

Is my baby positive if I had unprotected sex?

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