Q and A

Southern Africa

When can my baby stop cotrimoxazole?

Will changing from Atrozia to Lavern change my undetectable status?

Can I buy ARVs from a pharmacy without a prescription?

Can you buy ARVs in South Africa?

Can I use an immune booster or do I need to change treatment?

I used ARVs (ART) in late pregnancy and my baby is negative

Taking a double-dose of ART when pregnant plus other sores…

How long can HIV hide before showing symptoms?

Questions about formula milk in South Africa and PCR results?

Can I eat after taking Atroiza? (with efavirenz)

When should pregnant women start the maternity clinic?

Is it safe to take supplements and ARVs while pregnant

How long will it take for my viral load to become undetectable?

What is the difference between Tribuss and Telatri?

Can HIV positive people join the police in South Africa?

Was my partner at risk?

What are the side effects of Immunadue?

Feedback to i-Base after a year….

Which of these multivitamins is best?

Does being diagnosed in your 30s mean you will die in your 50s?

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