Q and A

Southern Africa

Why are my meds now a different colour?

Can you give advice about choices for my family?

Can I restart ART now if I stopped five years ago?

Can I go back to Trenvir (efavirenz-based ART) in Reydin (dolutegravir-based) is difficult?

My baby spits his nevirapine meds…

Can you get TB with a high CD4 count?

Can I get HIV medication delivered?

I forgot my ARVs at home.

Can I breastfeed if diagnosed in pregnancy? I am in South Africa…

Can I switch from TEE to TLD?

I gave birth early. Is my baby at risk?

I found D100 pills in my girlfriends bag.

Can I sometimes breastfeed if my baby is on ARV’s?

Who can collect my HIV medication?

Can I change the time of my medication?

Is there a risk of transmission if breastfeeding and my breast is cracked?

Do I need to give my baby Vecirapine if they are negative?

Can I switch from breastfeeding to formula?

Do I need to take ARVs with food?

Has mixed feeding risked giving my baby HIV?

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