Q and A

CD4 and viral load

My CD4 count has dropped while having unprotected sex with my partner.

Do I need to be on PrEP to have sex with my partner?

When will injectable ART be available on the NHS?

Is pus, pregnancy and HIV related?

I want to stop taking my medication.

Missing occasional doses and no longer being undetectable.

Why do I still feel sick after being on ARVs for 2 weeks?

I missed 2 pills, am I at risk of drug resistance?

What is a healthy range for CD4 count?

What does CD4 and viral load mean?

I am experiencing side effects from Odimune.

Can Volutrip be used as PEP?

I stopped taking ARVs for 3 months?

Do I need to be more worried about my HIV status as I age?

Is hair loss a side effect of TLD?

How fast should my CD4 increase?

My partner is HIV negative.

Can I breastfeed if diagnosed in pregnancy? I am in South Africa…

What is a good viral load count?

Can I have a drug holiday?

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