
Is Luvigen safe during pregnancy?

Can I risk passing on HIV to my unborn child as the father?

Should we stop having unprotected sex?

ARVs and ‘Ibiza the nami ugobho’…

Is my treatment effective?

I found out that I’m HIV+ at 20 weeks…

Will my baby have HIV if I have a c-section?

Is it possible that I can get HIV when my girlfriend is on her medication?

My partner just tested HIV during pregnancy?

Is it too late to start treatment while pregnant?

Do I need to take ARVs and TB medication when pregnant?

Can I get pregnant?

Does pumping milk count as mixed feeding?

I can’t access treatment for a few weeks and i’m pregnant…

Can I give my baby formula milk when she is on nevirapine?

Will Atroiza cause me to miscarry?

Is TLD safe for a pregnant woman?

Can I breastfeed while taking treatment?

Both parents are HIV positive. Will baby be safe?

Why is my partner not positive?

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