Q and A

Recent questions

How long must I wait until I can have sex?

Does TLD cause lipodystrophy?

Why does Telatri make me feel sick?

I take 3 pink tablets of Paxlovid instead two pink and one white…

What information do you have about Acriptega?

My mum took 2 pink Paxlovid pills…

Are there any ARVs that don’t cause sleep disorders?

My daughter vomits Zidovudine…

Can I pass on HIV if I am on malaria treatment?

I am on Luvigen and my feet are swelling…

I forgot my meds on holiday?

What is my life expectancy?

Will my meds still work if we both have HIV?

Can I change the time of my ARVs?

I have tested positive and my partner is negative?

Has starting treatment caused problems with sleep?

Why have I now tested negative after 6 months?

Did I become positive because of my sisters breastmilk?

I tested positive and my CD4 count is 39…

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