Q and A

Recent questions

Will my brother be okay with a CD4 count of 20?

Do I have AIDS if my CD4 count is below 200?

My CD4 count is falling and I am still undetectable…

What does CD4 and CD8 counts mean?

I missed 2 days of medication.

When is the best time to take Ranega?

I missed my dose of PEP for 36 hours?

If I am positive, can I have a healthy baby?

What is the difference between Odimune and Reydin?

Are cold symptoms a side effect of PEP?

Can I drink after PEP?

I missed my dose by an hour?

Is PEP working if I don’t have side effects?

How do I tell my partner I am positive?

Can a breastfeeding child become HIV positive?

Is TLD okay as PEP?

Can I take my treatment at 1 o’clock everyday?

Can I use Grandpa’s to treat toothache?

Can I smoke cannabis while on ART?

Will dropping PEP damage how well they work?

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