Q and A


Is Atroiza safe in children?

I missed a dose of ARVs and I am breastfeeding.

My baby is not latching to breastfeed.

Breastfeeding is not sufficient.

Can I mix feed after stopping my baby’s nevirapine?

Why did my child stop nevirapine after 6 weeks?

Can I sometimes breastfeed if my baby is on ARV’s?

My baby has blisters, does he have HIV?

Is there a risk of transmission if breastfeeding and my breast is cracked?

Do I need to give my baby Vecirapine if they are negative?

Can my newborn be given Phipp’s?

Can I switch from breastfeeding to formula?

Has mixed feeding risked giving my baby HIV?

When can my baby stop cotrimoxazole?

Is there a risk of transmission mix feeding my 10-month-old baby?

Can you give babies formula milk?

Can very young babies have gripe water or colic drops?

Can positive people marry?

Does U=U apply to breastfeeding?

Questions about formula milk in South Africa and PCR results?

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