Q and A

Side effects

My baby has blisters, does he have HIV?

What happens if I overdose on ARV’s?

Switching between TDF and TAF for PEP.

Is Reydin safe to use while pregnant?

I am undetectable. When can I stop taking Bactrim?

Does Biogen CLA3000 interact with ARV treatment?

Does my HIV medicine cause kidney problems?

Do I have to change from Atrozia to TLD?

Risk of transmission, high BP and other side effects…

My blood sugar levels have increased on Biktarvy…

I’ve been on ARVs since 2005 but my legs are thin?

Can I eat after taking Atroiza? (with efavirenz)

I am loosing weight after being on ART for 9 years

Should I just put up with feeling dizzy on efavirenz?

I am a man and my breasts got larger on ART – what can i do?

Is it a problem if you get a rash when you start taking ARVs?

Do you get a rash when you take ARVs?

Do ARVs make you dizzy?

Does Atrozia cause weight loss?

What are the side effects of Immunadue?

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