
Can I use weight loss supplements when on HIV treatment?

Does HIV cause stomach pain?

Are meds affected by going to the toilet afterwards?

My boyfriend has horrible views about HIV

Can I change abacavir and lamivudine dosing?

Will my CD4 count ever get higher than 100?

Could I really be HIV negative and do I need ART?

Can I study in the US if I am HIV positive?

I am 18 and stopped ART and don’t know what to do next?

Is my partner at risk if my viral load blipped to 240?

I am Muslim – is it okay for me to fast?

Will I be okay if I have symptoms after two weeks on ART?

Are my viral load changes effective when not on ART?

How should I treat advanced HIV (CD4 = 68)? I am a doctor.

What is included in a healthy balanced diet?

Should I worry when my boyfriend gets ill even though I am undetectable?

My wife has changed since learning I am HIV positive

How can I access NewFill while not living in London?

Are there long-term effects from missing ART for a month?

What if someone attempts suicide by taking an overdose of HIV meds?

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