Q and A


How can I increase my sex drive – I don’t feel sexy?

I am feeling sick on Tribuss

Why are my meds now called Tribuss?

How can I tell my partner I am positive?

What if your father is raping you?

What to do if I am loosing weight?

What pills can help pain with Eflaten?

What is my risk from stopping meds I’ve been on for 10 years?

My 12 year old son has just been diagnosed…

Can you sponsor me?

My girlfriend wants a baby but doesn’t know i have HIV…

Is undetectable in blood the same as undetectable in genital fluids?

I moved and lost my insurance, i can’t afford meds now.

How can I tell my partner I am positive?

I am looking for information in a different language.

Why does stigma still stop me telling my boyfriend?

Should I be stressed to learn my wife is positive?

Are there any HIV respite centres in the UK?

My CD4 is good, why am I nervous?

How can I resolve our HIV diagnoses with my partner?

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