Q and A


My mother has just been diagnosed, I have some questions..

Can i-Base help me find a partner who is also HIV positive?

How do I manage diabetes and put on weight?

I am feeling suicidal and want to end it all…

Why have I not put on weight?

How accurate do I need to be with the time I take my meds?

What will happen now I have stopped treatment?

I do not feel enough of a woman as someone who is HIV negative…

How can I hold on to my job and take leave to get to my clinic?

Can I stop meds for a week?

What do I do if I like beer but have trouble with meds?

Can i-Base help with benefit assessments related to long-term HIV?

I’m neg, my gf is pos: she doesn’t know I know…

Will HIV meds have caused my brother’s lymph cancer?

What if I take an Odimune pill and I am HIV negative?

Is it ok to date someone else who is HIV positive?

Should I tell my partner I am positive if I am undetectable?

My friend in a US prison has detectable viral load and is worried…

Can my Mom’s CD4 counts increase as she is older than 50?

Is a CD4 count under 200 AIDS? – my father was just diagnosed

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