Q and A


I am HIV and my partner is negative and we can’t enjoy sex…

My partner blames me for her positive test result but I am negative…

I want to marry HIV positive woman in India

Can HIV positive people from India study in the UK?

Do I have to tell a potential employer about HIV in Thailand?

My boyfriend won’t test and I am worried he might be positive?

How can I find a negative partner?

I have been diagnosed with CD4 of 16?

Why don’t they write HIV results on medical cards?

Can I start meds and how to tell my partner?

What if my combination fails and can you help neuropathy?

Will I still be able to get married and have children?

How do I tell my positive partner I am also positive?

Will occasional unhealthiness effect my CD4 count?

I’ve restarted treatment and my viral load is high, what will happen?

Can ARVs stop my skin becoming lighter?

What can I do if my HIV positive father is depressed?

I’ve recently become positive and have questions..

Will my family accept me if I start treatment?

I’m feeling ill and worried, will HIV treatment help?

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