HIV transmission

Is my partner at risk when I am on PEP – or afterwards?

When can I stop giving baby nevirapine?

Is there risk fo transmission to my baby not giving them medication frequently?

Do I need to extend PEP to have sex with my girlfriend?

Is my baby at risk if I stopped nevirapine at 4 weeks?

How can I be positive and my husband and children be negative?

Can a breastfeeding child become HIV positive?

Can baby have breastmilk and cereals?

Is my unborn baby safe?

How often can one use PEP for unprotected sex?

Can I have sex with my partner without a condom?

Have I risked transmitting HIV to my child?

Can I live with my partner if I am HIV positive?

Is it possible to sleep with someone HIV positive and not get HIV?

Can I pass on HIV with a viral load of 730?

Should I be worried that my viral load is below 20?

My wife is HIV positive…

Do I need to stop my marriage?

Am I at risk of further exposure if I am on PEP?

Can I have a baby without passing on HIV to my wife?

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