Q and A

HIV transmission

Is my boyfriend at risk?

Why do I still not have HIV?

I think I have passed on HIV to my partner.

Does ART reduce the risk of transmission?

Can five seconds without a condom be a risk? And in the US?

Will my partner pass on HIV?

Can I transmit HIV if my viral load is 63?

How long should I be on PEP?

How can I prevent transmission from my girlfriend?

Will my baby become HIV positive?

Can I get an STI from my HIV positive partner?

Does U=U only apply to sex?

Can I pass on HIV when my viral load is less than 30?

Can I infect my second partner with HIV while I am on pep?

I am on medication, is my partner at risk of HIV transmission?

Does U=U apply if you have a tear during sex?

Why am I still HIV negative when my partner is HIV positive?

Is it safe to continue breastfeeding until 2 years old?

How can my wife be HIV positive and I am not?

Can I get a tattoo if I am undetectable?

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