HTB: no. 13/14 – HIV and COVID-19: issue 10 (9 December 2020)

BHIVA 2020 virtual conference

Worryingly low HIV knowledge among health workers at London hospital: 80% unaware of U=U, 36% worried about their risk from patients

12th International Workshop on HIV paediatrics

Dolutegravir dosing for infants and young children

EU approves dolutegravir 5 mg dispersible for children older than four weeks

New formulation of dolutegravir will make modern ART available for babies and young children at less than $120 a year

Innovation benefits of cabotegravir LA injections for HIV PrEP will enable a closer FDA review

World AIDS Day 2020: selected events

Once-monthly oral pill as PrEP against HIV: islatravir study to start in 2021

High rates of drug resistance and virological failure among adults with HIV admitted to hospital in Malawi

Recent studies on HIV and COVID-19 coinfection

Early safety and immune responses in older people using the Oxford vaccine: overall results complicated by dosing error

BHIVA statement on HIV positive people and access to COVID vaccines

Interim results report 94% efficacy with Moderna/NIH mRNA vaccine: FDA hearing on 17 December

HIV risk from some COVID-19 vaccines might be unlikely due to rarity of vector viruses involved

JAK inhibitor baricitinib in moderate/severe COVID-19 

Hydroxychloroquine fails to prevent COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2 transmission when used as PEP

Hydroxychloroquine has no benefit on symptoms at 14 days

WHO SOLIDARITY study published in NEJM

International COVID-19 study launches in Africa but with drugs that have little chance of working (ANTICOV)

Serious complications commonly reported three months after recovery from COVID-19

HTB no 13–14 – plus: HIV and COVID-19 bulletin no 10 (9 December 2020)

HIV in the UK: diagnoses continued to fall during 2019 but 42% are still late

HTB: no. 12 – HIV and COVID-19: issue 9 (11 November 2020)

HIV Therapy Glasgow 2020

Adverse pregnancy outcomes among Spanish women hospitalised with COVID-19

51st World Conference on Lung Health

No increase in adverse birth outcomes with IPT-exposure in pregnancy in two African cohorts

International workshop on clinical pharmacology of HIV, hepatitis, and other antiviral drugs

New neonatal liquid formulations of dolutegravir have comparable bioavailability to dispersible paediatric tablet

EMA issues positive opinion to approve cabotegravir LA/rilpivirine LA injections (Vocabria/Rekambys) as new HIV treatment

Two-monthly cabotegravir injections prevent HIV infection in African women: HPTN 084 study recommends early unblinding

AIDS 2020: Virtual online translated resources 

COVID-19 antibody testing for HIV positive people in the UK: HIV organisations reverse previous exclusion

HIV positive people at higher risk of worse outcomes from COVID-19 in UK study

Remdesivir given full approval by the US FDA, but on limited data

DSMB stops REGN-COV2 (casirivimab/imdevimab) monoclonal antibody study in people with high-flow oxygen or ventilation: implications for UK RECOVERY study

Monoclonal antibody stopped in ACTIV-3 study: bamlanivimab shows lack of benefit in people hospitalised with COVID-19

Early results report 90% efficacy with from Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine

Convalescent plasma: randomised controlled study finds no benefit in moderate stage COVID-19

No survival benefit from remdesivir, hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/r or interferon-β1a in moderate and severe COVID-19: interim results from the WHO SOLIDARITY study

HTB no 12 – plus: HIV and COVID-19 bulletin no 9 (11 November 2020)

HIV Therapy Glasgow 2020

HTB: no. 11 – HIV and COVID-19: issue 8 (14 October 2020)

In memory: Timothy Ray Brown – the Berlin patient, the first person to be cured of HIV

Capsid inhibitor lenacapavir, dosed six-monthly, has high barrier to drug resistance and no cross-resistance to other classes

Single doses of MK-8507 reduce viral load by mean –1.5 log and support once-weekly dosing above 80 mg

Weight gain with dolutegravir-based ART in Nigerian cohort

COVID-19: pathogenesis and treatment 

EACS guidelines updated (v.10.1) for Glasgow conference

International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV, Hepatitis, and Other Antiviral Drugs

FTC exposure higher in young transgender men than cisgender controls

Levels of long-acting anti-HIV bNAb high in infants after 1 or 2 doses – but not high enough

BASHH 2020 PEP guidelines: online for comment

New insights into elite control of HIV and a possible case of virus clearance

US study of HIV positive people with COVID-19 reports worse outcomes with comorbidities and having a CD4 <200

Outcomes from COVID-19 in French cohort of 54 HIV positive people on ART

Tocilizumab fails to meet clinical endpoints in randomised COVACTA study: other studies continue

COVID-19 reinfection can occur after varying times and with more severe disease

Transmission from children to family members in US childcare setting

BHIVA update guidance for HIV care during second wave of COVID-19

COVID-19 deaths in children and people <21 years old in the US

IDSA guidelines on serologic testing for SARS-CoV-2

Long COVID: Mild infection and sustained long-term complications

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