Q and A

Recent questions

How can I improve my CD4 count?

Missing TLD once or twice a month…

Can I have a baby with my HIV positive partner?

Does alcohol have an effect on TLD?

Could I really be HIV negative and do I need ART?

Taking more than one ARV a day.

Would previous pills stopping milk production, prevent me breastfeeding my second child?

Can I give baby muthi wenyoni?

I was late with PEP by an hour and a half.

My CD4 count has only gone up by 90 in 12 years.

Can I take efavirenz at midnight?

Using Stribild as PEP…

Am I at risk for superinfection?

What is the interaction between Biktarvy and Iron supplements?

Is 6 hours long enough to avoid treatment and supplement interaction?

Is my eating schedule affecting my treatment?

Are there interactions between ivermectin and Atripla?

Can I switch to formula after 3 months?

Will being late with PEP cause a rash?

Am I at risk if I am taking PrEP?

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