Conference reports

Dual Eli-Lilly mAb bamlanivimab and etesevimab reduces hospitalisation after single infusion: results from BLAZE-1 study

Dual Regeneron mAbs casirivimab with imdevimab reduce transmission: interim results from phase 3 study

CROI 2021: Presentations from the LEAP workshop 2021

CROI 2021: Presentations on

28th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2021)

CROI 2021: Urgency of global access to vaccines, the potential of mAbs and the lessons learned from HIV

CROI 2021: Community challenge 6-month CROI pay wall – rather than usual open access…

CROI 2021: Once-daily GSK254 maturation inhibitor as treatment for HIV multidrug resistance

CROI 2021: Dosing for once-weekly oral ART: islatravir plus MK-8507 studies due to start in 2021

CROI 2021: Islatravir dosing for once-monthly and annual PrEP: if effective this could end HIV transmission

CROI 2021: Dolutegravir with recycled tenofovir and lamivudine performs well second-line: primary results from the NADIA trial

CROI 2021: HIV capsid uncoats in the CD4 nucleus rather than the cytoplasm – viral lifecycle updated…

CROI 2021: Community HIV cure workshops online

R4P virtual conference (2021)

VRC01 antibody only prevents minority of HIV infections: AMP study results

Long-acting bNAb is safe and well tolerated and achieves target concentrations in newborns (VRC07-523LS)

Promising data for multipurpose technologies to prevent HIV and pregnancy

12th International Workshop on HIV paediatrics

New LPV/r-based fixed dose HIV combination for young children: first results with Quadrimune 4-in-1

BHIVA 2020 virtual conference now online

U=U is supported by a single undetectable viral load in the context of good adherence

Selected plenary talks and workshops from BHIVA 2020

BHIVA 2020 virtual conference

Worryingly low HIV knowledge among health workers at London hospital: 80% unaware of U=U, 36% worried about their risk from patients

12th International Workshop on HIV paediatrics

Dolutegravir dosing for infants and young children

HIV Therapy Glasgow 2020

Adverse pregnancy outcomes among Spanish women hospitalised with COVID-19

51st World Conference on Lung Health

No increase in adverse birth outcomes with IPT-exposure in pregnancy in two African cohorts

International workshop on clinical pharmacology of HIV, hepatitis, and other antiviral drugs

New neonatal liquid formulations of dolutegravir have comparable bioavailability to dispersible paediatric tablet

HIV Therapy Glasgow 2020

Capsid inhibitor lenacapavir, dosed six-monthly, has high barrier to drug resistance and no cross-resistance to other classes

Single doses of MK-8507 reduce viral load by mean –1.5 log and support once-weekly dosing above 80 mg

Weight gain with dolutegravir-based ART in Nigerian cohort

COVID-19: pathogenesis and treatment 

EACS guidelines updated (v.10.1) for Glasgow conference

International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV, Hepatitis, and Other Antiviral Drugs

FTC exposure higher in young transgender men than cisgender controls

Levels of long-acting anti-HIV bNAb high in infants after 1 or 2 doses – but not high enough

23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2020): second reports

Capsid inhibitor lenacapavir (GS-6207) allows for 6-monthly dosing

Weight gain with integrase inhibitors and TAF: three reports from AIDS 2020

Dolutegravir non-inferior to efavirenz at week 96 in the NAMSAL study but associated with substantial weight gain

Switching from efavirenz- to dolutegravir-based ART second-line achieved good rates of suppression: first results from the VISEND study

Paediatric dolutegravir dosing at AIDS 2020

COVID-19 outcomes in HIV positive people in two large US cohorts

AIDS 2020: virtual content now available free and on-demand

Pathways to an HIV cure: online presentations

IAS COVID-19 Conference: introduction

Conference opening and making sense of the science

HepC drugs for COVID-19: sofosbuvir/daclatasvir show faster recovery and reduced mortality

Predictors of response to remdesivir in GS-5773 COVID-19 study

AIDS 2020 online: introduction

AIDS 2020: Navigating the website

Neural tube defects in two of 1000 conception exposures with dolutegravir: reassuring update from Tsepamo study

Dolutegravir associated with weight gain in African ART programmes: findings from AFRICOS 

ADVANCE 96-week results: dolutegravir weight gain continues, especially in women and when used with TAF – no evidence of a plateau

Obesity linked to dolutegravir, especially with TAF, could increase risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes

Pregnancy meta-analysis: dolutegravir- versus efavirenz-based ART

Long-acting cabotegravir injections are effective as HIV PrEP in gay men and transgender women: results from HPTN 083

Case report of short-term HIV remission from adding oral nicotinamide to intensified ART

New HIV remission case report at AIDS 2020: full report

23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2020)

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