CROI 2021: Urgency of global access to vaccines, the potential of mAbs and the lessons learned from HIV

CROI 2021: Community challenge 6-month CROI pay wall – rather than usual open access…

CROI 2021: Once-daily GSK254 maturation inhibitor as treatment for HIV multidrug resistance

CROI 2021: Dosing for once-weekly oral ART: islatravir plus MK-8507 studies due to start in 2021

CROI 2021: Islatravir dosing for once-monthly and annual PrEP: if effective this could end HIV transmission

CROI 2021: Dolutegravir with recycled tenofovir and lamivudine performs well second-line: primary results from the NADIA trial

CROI 2021: HIV capsid uncoats in the CD4 nucleus rather than the cytoplasm – viral lifecycle updated…

CROI 2021: Community HIV cure workshops online

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in HIV positive people linked to time with low CD4 count: partly reversible after effective ART

Janssen/J&J vaccine against COVID-19 is approved in the EU

Baricitinib improves recovery in sub-group of adults hospitalised COVID-19: results from ACTT-2 study

Ivermectin has no impact in treating mild COVID-19 in 400 adults in Columbia

No benefit from BRII and GSK monoclonal antibodies against COVID-19 in ACTIV-3 study

HTB: no.3 – plus HIV and COVID-19 (12 March 2021)

HTB: no. 2 – plus HIV and COVID-19 (24 February 2021)

In memory: Elias Phiri – community HIV and TB advocate

In memory: Dr Joseph Sonnabend – pioneer HIV activist and researcher

Timothy Ray Brown: a virtual memorial

R4P virtual conference (2021)

VRC01 antibody only prevents minority of HIV infections: AMP study results

Long-acting bNAb is safe and well tolerated and achieves target concentrations in newborns (VRC07-523LS)

Promising data for multipurpose technologies to prevent HIV and pregnancy

12th International Workshop on HIV paediatrics

New LPV/r-based fixed dose HIV combination for young children: first results with Quadrimune 4-in-1

UK study for people with triple-class drug resistance

Community murals in Soweto on dolutegravir-based ART: an i-Base collaboration

HIV positive people in the UK now elligible for COVID vaccinations – and to become available at HIV clinics

What are the main COVID-19 variants? How can they affect vaccine responses?

Novavax: >90% efficacy in UK but 60% in South Africa, hints of lower effect in HIV positive participants

Russian Sputnik vaccine reports 91% efficacy at 21 days after the first dose

Janssen vaccine reports efficacy after single injection: FDA decision imminent

Oxford/AZ vaccine might still prevent severe COVID-19 from B.1.351 variant: supports continued used in South Africa

Unprecedented rapid speed of COVID vaccine development

WHO online vaccine tracker

COVID-19 vaccine pricing: a BBC guide

High rates of undocumented COVID-19 mortality in Zambia without testing challenges the idea that Africa has been spared

Tocilizimab effectively reduces COVID-19 related deaths and hospitalisation time: additive benefit with dexamethasone

Bamlanivimab (LY-CoV555) prophylaxis prevents COVID-19 in care homes: results of BLAZE-2 study

US FDA specifies high antibody titre for convalescent plasma and to only use in early COVID-19

No benefit from convalescent plasma in UK RECOVERY study: limited results restrict implications for COVID-19

UK variant B.1.1.7 linked to higher risk of death and hospitalisation from COVID-19

HTB no 2 – plus HIV and COVID-19 (24 February 2021)

HTB: no. 1 – plus HIV and COVID-19 (22 January 2021)

BHIVA 2020 virtual conference now online

U=U is supported by a single undetectable viral load in the context of good adherence

Selected plenary talks and workshops from BHIVA 2020

US FDA approves long-acting injectable HIV treatment: monthly dosing

Long-acting injectable HIV treatment approved in the EU: includes two-monthly dosing

Fostemsavir approved in the EU (Rukobia): NICE deferred in the UK

PHE report on HIV and STIs during COVID-19

Baseline NNRTI resistance linked to poorer response to first-line dolutegravir in the ADVANCE study      

Significant increases in LGV in gay men from 2017 to 2019: latest PHE report

HIV criminalisation during 2020: cases continue but also legal advances

NICE issue UK guidelines on long COVID

BHIVA and EACS update HIV as a higher risk for COVID-19: supports priority vaccine (January 2021)

Recent studies on HIV and COVID-19 coinfection

Very low-level HIV viraemia might continue after COVID-19

Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine might still overcome UK and SA variants

Novavax phase 3 vaccine study launched in the UK, South Africa, US, Mexico and Puerto Rico

Merck/MSD withdraws two vaccine candidates from further research but continues focus on treatment

Oral colchicine reduces hospitalisation in international randomised phase 3 outpatient study

IL-6 agonists tocilizumab and sarilumab reduces mortality in severe COVID-19: interim results from REMAP-CAP study

Two different dual antibody treatments each reduce SARS-CoV-2 viral load by >0.5 log

IV methylprednisolone pulse treatment for hospitalised severe COVID-19

Monoclonal antibody bamlanivimab is not effective in advanced COVID-19: lack of early signal stops study early

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