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  1. Ameer

    Hello. first of all i would like to thank you for this amazing wepsite. Iam 26 years old gay. am in arelationship with an hiv positive for ayear now but he had it for three years now. He is on med snice and his hiv is undetactable. I got tested three times for one year and all was negative . so my question is, am I at risk of having hiv because of my relationship with apositive and we make unprotected sex if you ask and what is the chances and what is the steps i should do just to be extra safe at last im really sorry about my broken english because iam an arabic native i hope you dont mind best regards

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Valencia,

    I’ve just read your other post. If you’re missing meds on a regular basis, this may explain why your viral load is still not undetectable. Though you may be busy, its important to take your meds.

    With regards to why your husband keeps testing negative, please see Q5 here:


  3. Valencia

    Hi doc.
    I’m HIV positive but my husband still tested negative we being together for 5years but I don’t understand what he should test negative is that possible. I’m taking my meds proper since last year on August till today can u tell that I’m de one had HIV positive without know is that possible to infected with de sickness without knowing. How much will take will I infected him. And he wanted me to be pregnant I don’t know weather is good because my viral load is 440 help me doc

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thembali,

    If your partner has an undetectable viral load, the risk of transmission will be close to zero. For more info please see the results of the PARTNER study:


  5. Thembali

    My partner is positive and on meds, what are the risks of infection?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thabi,

    No she can’t get infected like this. For more info please see Q1 here:


  7. Thabi

    Hello. I have a 2 year old daughter and she ate a tissue with dried blood on it. Can she get infected if that blood is from a person who is infected? Please help

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lulo,

    If you’ve always used condoms correctly then there is no possibility that you will have contracted HIV. If you have had sex without a condom, then yes it is still possible that you could be negative. Please see Q5 here:


  9. Lulo

    Hi, i just want to know something, my girl tested positive last year 2016 November and she encourage me to take a HIV test, this year 2017/ February. The results were negative, I asked the nurse to test me again, still the results where negative. Does this thing happen? I did use a condom.

  10. Simon Collins

    Hi Jack – please see Q1 at this link: