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  1. Jack

    Hi am Jack went for my test after three months and it was confirmed negative, must i go back for another test

  2. Simon Collins

    Hi Tum, there are no interactions between HIV meds and omega supplements.

  3. tumi

    Can I take ARVS with omega h3

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sunet,

    How long have you been HIV positive for? Have you ever taken your medication?

    A CD4 of 469 is good, as too is a viral load of 120. For a more in-depth answer that explains viral loads, please see here:


    Your results would indicate that you are OK. However, the only thing that can control a persons HIV is ARVs. Is there any reason why you don’t want to take them?

  5. Sunet

    Hi!My name is Sunet.Can you please help me. I don’t understand my test results.My CD4 is 469 and my Viral load is 120, but the thing is I get ARVs from my doctor, but I don’t take them. Is my CD4 good and my viral load or are I am getting sick. Why is my viral load that so low?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Samky,

    If you’ve tested negative six times over the space of 9 months, then once positive, its very possible that the positive result was a false positive. For more on testing, please see Q1 here:


  7. samky

    Am confused,last year I was pregnant and I tested negative for HIV in January and february. Then in June when I was 7months I tested positive for HIV and confirmation was negative. I did another test on 23 august amd it was negative and another in September and it was negative. Am I OK?

  8. Lisa Thorley
  9. Lucky

    Hi dear doctors I tested hiv several times 2 months and 3 months mark, and then 5 months mark, all tests came back negative. I retest again 6 months mark result came back part negative and part crevecaoul, I still have some symptoms so I need your advice if I need another test or I can move it. Reply to me please thank you

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mark,

    This service is for people who are living with HIV. If you think your girlfriend may be living with HIV, please talk to her about it.