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  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Khanja, dizziness is a common side effect of efavirenz (in Tribuss). Please see question 3 at this link for more information:

  2. khanja

    hi….i jst started tribuss yest night i was very dizzy i ddnt understand….nd i want to knw if i can take it wth selenium eac tablet? thx

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Rana, this question is answered half way down this FAQ page:

  4. rana

    Kindly describe a difference b/w 3rd and 4rh generation…

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Simon,

    Please see question one here:


  6. Simon

    When i touch my skin little presure it leaves red marks. Is it a symtom of hiv?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi sfa,

    Please see question one here: http://i-base.info/qa/what-are-the-most-asked-questions

    this explains testing and results.

  8. sfa

    my hiv test report is Cut Off Rate:1.00, Sample Rate:0.09. I am very tensed about why my cut off value is 1.00. I am very much worry. are Cut Off Value and Cut off rate same?

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Mdue

    Please see question 5 at this link – lots of info and tips here – it should get easier soon:

  10. mdue

    I have one week started hiv treatment which is arv ,then I’m always feeling dizziness all the time. is this gonna stop or its an on going process.