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  1. Robin Jakob


    We’ve already answered a similar question here:

  2. john

    How is it possible that my wife is HIV negative and I have been tested HIV positive with a CD count of 295, when we had unprotected sex all along.

  3. Robin Jakob


    This is very possible. Many couples like yours safely have HIV negative children.

    You can find more information here:

  4. Siobhan

    Hi, i’m just looking for information and answers. I’m female and my partner is HIV positive, we want to have a baby but I need some answers. I was just wondering is it possible at all that we can conceive without myself and unborn baby contracting HIV?

  5. Robin Jakob

    Couples like yours are common and many safely have HIV negative children. This is usually done with treatment.

    Being on HIV treatment will eventually mean the risk of transmitted HIV to your husband is extremely low.

    If you become pregnant, being on treatment will also help prevent your child becoming positive.

    You can find lots of information about this here:

  6. Rumbidzai

    I am hiv positive and my husband is hiv negative we want to start a family how do we go about it? we are in zimbabwe

  7. Robin Jakob


    Your CD4 count is strong and plenty of HIV positive women who have much lower counts are able to safely carry a child.

    You combination of drugs is widely used, including in pregnant mothers. Nevirapine used to be prescribed regularly for pregnant women who are HIV positive. Other drugs including the one’s you are taking are also effective at preventing mother-to-child transmission.

    The most important thing is to have an undetectable viral load by the time you give birth. This will help make sure that HIV is not passed on to your baby.

    You can find more information about HIV and pregnancy here:

  8. patience

    My CD4 count is 800 and i’m pregnant. I’m on EFV,TNV and 3TC. Do i need to take nevirapine too during pregnancy? If i don’t take it, will my baby be ok?

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Atroiza can be used by both men and women, it is not only for pregnant women.

  10. Anon

    Hi im 30 years old . I would like to know is Atroiza treatment for pregnant women only? Or males can use Atroiza?