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  1. Simon Collins


    As your CD4 count is so high, most doctors would say that there is no reason for you to start treatment yet. This is something to talk to your doctor about though if you are worried.

    i-Base is an organisation that provides information only. We are not doctors and we are not a medical centre, so we do not provide treatment.

    Our online services can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection, whichever country they live in.

  2. Opiyo

    I tested hiv + in 2009 and tested again in 2013. My CD4 is 830.

    Can you send me medicine to treat this HIV? At times I sneeze a lot, is this because of HIV?

    What assistance is your organization doing to support affected people for sustainability in East Africa?

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Winnet,

    Black stools is not a common side effect of Tribuss so it is a good idea to get this checked by your doctor.

    Black stools can be a sign of intestinal problems or blood in your stool, so it’s always important to check this.

  4. winnet

    I started taking Tribuss 2 days ago and my stool is black. Is it a side effect. I am 3 months pregnant.

  5. Rebecca McDowall


    Thanks for your question.

    Is your daughter on ARVs?

    If she is it’s important to find out why her viral load is so high. If she is on treatment with a viral load this high it is likely that the drugs are not working.

    When on treatment, viral load should be below 50 copies/mL – called ‘undetectable’.

    This does not mean you are HIV negative. Having an ‘undetectable’ viral load means that treatment is working well and controlling the virus.

    Please see the i-Base introduction to combination therapy guide for more information.

  6. k subba

    My child got HIV in 1993 at 9th month. From 350 cd4 now she increased to 1518. Viral load is now 8750. After 19 years we got this result. if we bring viral load to zero can she be get HIV negative. plz answer?

  7. Rebecca McDowall

    Thanks for your email. What was the medication called that you took for 6 months? Was this for treating HIV or for another illness, such at TB?

    No other medications can increase your CD4 count. Most people in South Africa don’t start treatment until their CD4 count is about 350 or below. This is because while your CD4 count is above this level there is very little risk of you getting any opportunistic infections or HIV related symptoms. You can read more about starting treatment in our Introduction to combination therapy.

  8. Sinenhlanhla

    I’m HIV positive my cd4 couunt is 406 and the doctor gave me some 6 months medication. I have finish my 6 months medication and the doctor said my cd4 count is ok so I won’t start taking ARVs but that if I feel weak or ill I must come for check ups. So my concern is that since these pills are getting finished the 6 months medication what must I take for the time being till I start my ARVs. I am afraid of losing weight. What can I take to boost my cd4 count?

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Khule,

    I am sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Do you have any support to help you deal with this?

    Being HIV+ does not mean you are going to die, and should not stop you doing anything that you would have done before you found out. Have a look at our newly diagnosed page for more info.

    There are lots of couples where one person is HIV+ and the other is HIV-. Have a look at our FAQs on this topic for more information about this. Please let me know if you have any questions and I will be more than happy to help.

  10. khule

    I have tested positive and my husband tested negetive we are having a child together who is 7 yrs old. Sometimes we use condoms sometimes we don’t and this is killing me inside. I feel like I’ve lost everything – my dignity, my beauty. Ifeel like I don’t have a say. I am dying inside. How did it happen? I’m confused and need answers. Pls help me.